Devil Incarnate

This is by no means a complete Chapter. But i suppose it is out of excitement that I have decided to post it. Comment, critisize, and check back soon to see the completed Chapter One.
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Devil Incarnate

After such a long period of inactivity, I’m afraid that I might have lost my touch in writing stories. Below is a part of the many projects that I am currently working on. Comments are highly appreciated, so please do leave some for me.
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When you have boldly crossed the boundary that separates reality from dreams, fact from fiction, light from darkness, and marveled at its oddly quiescent yet tumultuous nature;

When you have transversed the four corners of the world, feeling that boundless youthful energy fuel your every move, and in your soul lies a sense of satisfaction so gratifying that all of the world’s sorrow cannot drown you;

When you have soared the stunning, cloudless sky with the birds, exploring a dimension that spreads far beyond the horizon;

When you have stood alone in the vast mountainous ranges and the bottomless abyss that are carved out from living rock by the immutable forces of nature, and feel so small and insignificant as to disappear;

When you have watched in heart wrenched torment the tortured tracks of those who have abandoned you, hoping for a blessed downpour to finally wash away the deep chasms that scour the red-hot landscape;  

When you have grasped in desperation the hands of a comrade as he falls in battle, his body a twisted, mangled wreck, as his very life seeps away under the helpless gaze of your eyes and he becomes still, never to breath again;

When you have experienced all these, not only once, but again and again and yet again, and still find the strength to hold on, to continue crossing that boundary;

Only then will you have come to realise what life truly means;

Only then will you have understood what it means to be in existence.

The point?

We live to dream, and dream we must.