Okay, So This Is What I’ll Do…

With this mysterious one month MIA status I’ve acquired, I realized something.

I need to write.

And I’m not joking. I’m really much happier when I spend at least some of my day posting stuff here. Perhaps self expression is really an essential part of life for me.

So, what do you know — I’m back (Cues the “applause” track)!

Now, time for some plans. My exams have just but ended and already a second, more major one is bearing down on me. Time is something I really do not have, meaning now it will probably be much tougher for me to keep writing.

But fear not, for I have cooked up a highly ingenious plan, if I may say so myself.

What I’ll do is just post regular “journal style” entries of my life. Sure, it’ll probably be boring, but it helps me, and that’s all that matters, at least just this once.

I’ll still post regular “articles” on my take on certain issues/happenings though, just that they will be less frequent.

(Okay, I’ll admit it; that’s nothing ingenious. But you know what? Suck on that!)

Alright, alright, enough fun here. I’ll start this little “journal” project tomorrow. And to separate these personal updates from normal posts, they will only be viewable though the sidebar on my main page.

Gosh do I like the customization options on this theme.

Alright then! Goodbye!

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